Spectral approximation of a strain-limiting nonlinear elastic model
N. Gelmetti, E. Süli


We construct a numerical algorithm for the approximate solution of a nonlinear elastic limiting strain model based on the Fourier spectral method. The existence and uniqueness of the numerical solution are proved. Assuming that the weak solution to the boundary-value problem possesses suitable Sobolev regularity, the sequence of numerical solutions is shown to converge to the weak solution of the problem at an optimal rate. The numerical method represents a finite-dimensional system of nonlinear equations. An iterative method is proposed for the approximate solution of this system of equations and is shown to converge, at a linear rate, to the unique solution of the numerical method. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical experiments.

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Keywords: Spectral method; convergence; nonlinear elasticity; limiting strain models.

MSC: 65N35, 74B20

Pages:  63--89     

Volume  71 ,  Issue  1-2 ,  2019